Great things are seemingly on the horizon for Ripple and XRP. Most level-headed people are well aware of the potential XRP providers. It seems the goal is to use this asset for cross-border payments come 2018. More specifically, payments between US and Mexico. It is possible this feature will be expanded upon in the future. Asian regions would certainly benefit from this project as well.
The recent Ripple Meetup in Seoul yielded some interesting information.Few people assumed anything noteworthy would be introduced. Then again, the outcome was pretty surprising to a lot of people. It seems there are active plans to use XRP for cross-border payments on an international scale. Powering transactions between the US and Mexico is an option well worth exploring. Especially with Trump’s plans to make this venture a lot more difficult altogether.
Real-time Cross-border Payments Powered by XRP
Specifics of this development remain to be determined. Not too much information was shared with the public just yet. Real-time and trackable global payments are of great interest to individuals and banks alike. Ripple and their native digital asset make a lot of sense in this regard. It simply fits the bill perfectly, especially where Asian countries are concerned. Then again, those countries will not partake in this initiative for the time being. That situation may change over time, though.
#ripple Meetup in Seoul. XRP to be active for cross-border payments between US and Mex early 2018. Potentially an Asian country to follow.
— Chump Change Crypto Podcast (@ourchumpchange) November 6, 2017
It is good to see projects like this come to fruition. The main benefit of XRP is how it can power real-time global payments. Even Bitcoin can’t provide such a degree of functionality right now. Nor is the world’s leading cryptocurrency cheaper in this regard either. Ripple makes a lot more sense for all parties involved. It will be interesting to see how this will affect the remittance industry as a whole.
More real-life use cases for XRP can only be considered to be a good thing. While this asset isn’t a cryptocurrency by definition, it still has a lot of merit and value. Whether this will help elevate XRP to $2 in the future, remains to be determined. There are some interesting things on the horizon, that much is certain. Sooner or later, Ripple and its asset will blow away a lot of people. Projects like this show that may happen a lot sooner than people anticipate right now.
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