HomePress ReleaseZenith Hybrid Blockchain Explained

Zenith Hybrid Blockchain Explained


The blockchain industry has seen substantial growth in the last couple of years, with the release and development of thousands of cryptocurrencies and several blockchains. But are all blockchains as effective? Why is the transaction charges different for each, and shouldn’t users go with one that levies a lower fee on transactions?

Also, the efficiency and the rate at which transactions are processed or confirmed differ between the available options.

Considering these concerns and the need for a faster, safer, cheaper alternative, the Zenith Hybrid Blockchain was developed.

The Zenith Hybrid Blockchain brings interoperability and programmability into the picture and relies on 83 validators with Proof of Authority (PoA) consensus. It also supports EVM-compatible smart contracts and protocols, and allows cross-chain transfer due to the interoperability support. By providing EVM compatibility, the Zenith Hybrid Blockchain provides users with an extremely fast, secure, and low fee environment to transact, for both enterprise and retail uses.

Zenith Chain is home to digital money, having a flourishing community that is building an entire ecosystem for decentralised finance, digital proof of ownership, and NFTs on Zenith’s public ledger, decentralised infrastructure, and applications.

Let’s look at how Zenith compares with the other available blockchains in terms of various critical parameters.

Fastest Transactions per Second (TPS)

When it comes to Transactions per Second (TPS), Zenith processes more than 300k, while Bitcoin does 7, and Ethereum 14. In terms of finality, Zenith again takes a clear lead with 1.5 seconds, while Bitcoin and Ethereum have it at 60 min and 6 min respectively. It employs the Proof of Authority protection model, a considerably safer option, while other popular blockchains still employ Proof of Work. It should paint a clear picture of how Zenith outperforms the most used blockchains and provides creators and investors alike with more favorable and secure conditions.

Multiple Validators Base

The best part about blockchains is that they don’t rely on third-party support and are far safer since it is nearly impossible to modify the stored data. And Zenith takes things a step forward by employing hundreds of validators to verify transactions on the blockchain and rewards them for the work.

Eco-friendly and Energy-Efficient Blockchain

One of the main concerns regarding blockchain technology is energy consumption. Bitcoin, for instance, consumes somewhere around 125 Terrawatt-hours of energy. Ethereum takes up as much energy consumed by a normal US household in 9 days just to complete a transaction.

Zenith, on the other hand, consumes very low energy since it employs the more advanced Proof of Authority consensus mechanism. In the coming days, as concerns regarding the energy consumption of blockchain begin to grow, the ones like Zenith Hybrid Smart Chain will thrive by becoming a more energy-efficient alternative.

Efficient Tokenomics of Native Token

The Zenith coin, the one native to the blockchain, is specially crafted after understanding the technology, identifying the problems encountered by other tokens, and ensuring the highest standards of safety to keep the investments secure.

Besides, the total supply for the Zenith coin is capped at 100,000,000, which is the perfect quantity for any coin given the nature of the crypto market.

Staking Protocol Availability

It also employs the staking protocol where investors can deposit their Zenith coins to the staking pool and earn 16% annual returns. The APY for Zenith is relatively high when compared with the other blockchains, thus making the coin a lucrative investment option. Also, a good part of the total supply has been reserved for rewards, so investors can be sure to make a decent profit.

Blockchain Security

The Zenith blockchain uses smart contracts to streamline the transfer of assets between two users. The contract basically stores the terms of the agreement between the buyer and the seller and cannot be modified once it is programmed. The Zenith Chain Smart Contract offers the same level of security as that of Ethereum, which is considered one of the safest ones.

Zenith Chain Support NFTs, Defi, and other Solidity dApps

The Zenith blockchain will support thousands of digital assets, NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), Solidity dApps, Fixed Cap Assets, Variable Cap Assets, and Decentralized Finance apps (De-Fi), amongst others. Besides, users can try the FuzionX to trade cryptocurrencies and quickly make cross-border payments at an extremely low fee.

Access to FuzionX, a Hybrid Exchange for CEFI and DEFI Trading

Building your project on Zenith Chain comes with multiple advantages. You’ll gain access to Zenith Chain’s hybrid trading exchange, an all-in-one solution for CEFI and DEFI trading called FuzionX.

Easy Flow of Transactions from Crypto to Fiat

Also, there’s Zenith Pay, a platform that works similar to a bank account and allows users to receive fiat currency and convert it easily into crypto or make direct payments.


If you are looking for a fast and safe blockchain to build your project on, Zenith Chain would a perfect choice. And, do not forget to check out Zenith Coin on Coinmarketcap, the utility token of the Zenith Chain Ecosystem, since it’s all set to revolutionize the market.

To find out more about Zenith, visit the official website: https://zenithchain.co/

Also, follow Zenith on all available social channels to stay updated with the recent developments and releases.

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