After the announcement of Apple Pay in the company’s media event held last week comes good news for those who have been in search for a reliable bitcoin app. Now, iOS users can download a decentralized wallet app known as the Breadwallet. This is the very first bitcoin wallet app that directly connects to the bitcoin network. According to the app’s creators, Breadwallet is created so users do not experience server downtime and that their risk of hacking attack is reduced. The apps was created by Aaron Voisine, the lead developer for Yammer and the co-founder of Lightt Inc.
What Are the Security Features?
Being the first decentralized bitcoin app in the Apple platform, Breadwallet offers various security features unlike no other. For one, it does not run using central servers. Instead, the app connects directly to the bitcoin networking through the so-called simplified payment verification of SVP. Compare to other apps that are “server trusting”, having an app using the SPV enable users to avoid being highly vulnerable to hacking and server downtime.
In using the app, both of the details and balances of a particular user can be recovered with just one unique purchase. This only means that the wallet does not need backups since they can be restored in other devices even if the original one is stolen or lost. As long as you remember the phrase, you do not have to worry about backups and broken or lost device.
iOS for a More Secured Platform
According to Voisine, the reason he chose iOS was that he wanted to create an application that everyone can use and iOS is a more secure platform. Without the need to secure an Android device or a desktop, users can easily download and access the bitcoin app without having to struggle and to worry about security. With Apple’s platform, users can avoid malware threat since it has secured and hardware-encrypts to give more protection to users. But for iOS users whose devices have been ‘jailbroken’, the creator of the app discourages users not to install the Breadwallet or even any other bitcoin wallet app. Few would know that once a jailbreak app is used, it has complete control on the device as well as the wallet which can be really dangerous.
Apart from Breadwallet, iOS users can now use other wallet apps like Hive, Blockchain, Gliph, Bity, Coin Pocket and GreenAddress.
Bitcoin App for Android Users
Users who are not using Apple devices can also download bitcoins apps. There is an Android version of Hive Wallet. This particular app is created on bitcoinj which was created by Mike Hearn’s. Just like the Breadwallet, it is also listed as decentralized by However, its iOS version is not listed as decentralized making the Breadwallet the very first of its kind as a decentralized bitcoin wallet. Hive just like Breadwallet also has similar set-up where users can use the wallet even in another device.