Category : Blockchain Infrastructure

Storing Your Crypto: 3 Tips to Make...

Over the last couple of weeks, the world has watched as the QuadrigaCX crypto exchange saga unfolded. Long story short, the exchange lost access...

Using Your Mining Rig, Which Crypto Coin...

Do you want to start mining Crypto Coins this year? Or have you already been mining for sometime now? Either way, you should know...

Swiss SIX Group (SDX) to Open New...

The Swiss Stock Exchange is set to open its digital blockchain trading in the second semester, its top official said. Time efficient proven Jos Dijsselhof, SIX...

Large Indian Bank Clamping Down on Cryptocurrencies

One of the largest banks in India is asking its users to consent that they won't be using their accounts to trade Bitcoin or...

Thailand’s Stock Exchange Eyeing a Digital Asset...

Thailand's Stock Exchange (SET) is reportedly planning to apply for a digital asset operating license. If granted by the country's Finance Ministry, the license...

Logistics Giant UPS Reveals Equity Investment in...

Blockchain-based e-Commerce platform for B2B has revealed a partnership, as well as an equity investment by logistics giant UPS' Strategic Enterprise Fund.  Blockchain-Based E-Commerce Platform According...

IBM, Ford to Use Blockchain in Tracking...

In a push to support human rights and environmental protection, IBM, Ford Motor Company, amid other corporate moguls, will pilot a blockchain project to...

Kyle Samani: Dominance of Ethereum Among Blockchain...

Kyle Samani, the co-founder of the $75 million cryptocurrency fund Multicoin Capital, has said that Ethereum will eventually challenge Bitcoin's dominance over the market.  A...

Unauthorized Crypto Exchanges in Malaysia Will Carry...

Malaysia will officially regulate initial coin offerings (ICOs) and the overall trade of cryptocurrencies. The law which introduces the regulations will come into force...

Nevada Gov’t is Using Ethereum For Public...

Some counties in northern Nevada have reportedly been using blockchain technology to store a digital version of government records, including birth and marriage certificates....

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