Category : Blockchain Infrastructure

Grounder Coin Will Allow Colonized Planets to...

A new type of cryptocurrency called Grounder Coin is looking to be the first digital currency that can be used in space. Grounder Coin: Bringing...

The Regulation of Crypto Exchanges Moving Forward

Governments across the world initially adopted a policy of ignorance toward cryptocurrency. This was perhaps because of the misguided notion that cryptocurrency was a...

RIFT-Protocol Is the Future of On-Chain Data...

The blockchain is a distributed ledger, meaning that everyone running a node in the network has this ledger stored on his local machine. This...

Apollo: Sharding Will Make Our Blockchain More...

The Apollo Foundation has become the first project to implement sharding capabilities on its blockchain. Sharding typically works as a solution to what one...

In the Face of Libra, Why Decentralization...

Early in July, Facebook experienced technical issues, preventing users from viewing or uploading images across all its platforms, which includes Instagram and WhatsApp. The...

What Are the Challenges Facing Online Casinos...

In recent years, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have revolutionized the gaming industry by introducing a safe, reliable and quick payment method that enables players...

#Metahash Surges Ahead Backed with Much Growth

One of the most ingenious inventions that are playing an important role in the business world today is blockchain technology. For industries which aim...

Things Won’t Get Any Easier After the...

It’s almost been a year since the so-called “crypto winter” began, and I have to admit, the bear market hasn’t been kind to blockchain...

Existing Scenario in Cryptocurrency Gambling

The surge in popularity of Bitcoin and growth in cryptocurrency adoption has further expanded its use across various industries with a range of applications,...

Interest in OTC Trading May Become the...

Over-the-counter trading in digital assets is rapidly gaining popularity with the crypto market players. ICOBox experts believe that the current excitement about OTC trading...

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