HomeSponsoredObsidian, a Secure and Private Alternative to All the Other Messaging out...

Obsidian, a Secure and Private Alternative to All the Other Messaging out There


Security and privacy of communications is a luxury these days, thanks to the service providers, hackers, and the government agencies trying to access various kinds of user data and even the messages sent over the platforms. People increasingly use messaging applications like WhatsApp, Telegram, WeChat, etc. and these platforms aren’t as secure as their developers claim them to be.

In fact, a comparison made by Obsidian Platform — a company behind secure and private messaging service shows that most of the popular messaging applications require users to furnish their details while signing up. Also, the personal information collected by these platforms aren’t hashed either. All these combined with the logs maintained by the messaging services eliminates any chance of anonymity while using them.


However, Obsidian Platform realizes the importance of privacy and secrecy. Hence, the company is currently in the process of developing an entire ecosystem around its state-of-the -art secure and private messaging platform. The Obsidian Secure Messenger (OSM) is built over a C# blockchain, based on Stratis blockchain protocol along with Masternodes and Service Nodes.

The decentralized nature of blockchain-based OSM application makes it furthermore secure, in addition to the implemented standard privacy and encryption standards. The Obsidian platform implements end-to-end bcrypt sha512 encryption algorithm to ensure only the intended recipient gets to access the message.

The platform’s decision to choose Startis protocol backed, C# based blockchain makes it easier for Obsidian to build a strong community and an entire ecosystem. Startis is known for offering simple and affordable end-to-end solutions for development, testing, and deployment of native C# blockchain using .Net framework. With .Net being one of the popular development languages, the developer community can readily create applications with Obsidian’s features integrated into them.

The entire Obsidian platform is powered by its native token, Obsidian Coin. The platform is currently in the process of raising funds through an ICO. The crowdsale is set to end in another week, leaving a small window for investors to become part of the initiative. Unlike other crowdsales that raise funds armed with nothing more than a whitepaper, Obsidian already has its first application ready and going through alpha testing. The new product will be launched along with the integration of Breeze wallet. The ICO is going on good so far, and the platform has already surpassed the minimum cap. With the milestone being cleared, the platform will continue in accordance with the roadmap.

Those interested in purchasing Obsidian Coin can do so on the platform’s official website.



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