Tag: DAO


Maker Price Analysis: MKR/USD What’s Behind the Upside Break?

Maker recently surged past its long-term descending trend line to signal that a reversal from the drop is due. Price appears to be hitting...

Government Think Tank Warns About Blockchain Risks

A United States government entity called the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC), has released its annual report this week and has highlighted a warning...

Bitcoin Drops Below $600 Breakout Seems Imminent

The price of Bitcoin has taken a significant downturn over the past couple of days. According to various price indexes across the web, the...

Soft Forks, White Hats, and SEC Oh My!

The mess surrounding the DAO attack is not over. The majority of the Ethereum community seems to be leaning towards a soft fork in...

All Forked Up Don’t Know What To DAO

Over the past few days, it has been a wild ride if you are a fan of cryptocurrency. We all know someone or a...

DAO Attacker Says 3m Ether Loss is Legal

With the Ethereum community and DAO Hub investors all shook up things are starting to look worse for them in regards to retrieving the loss...

Ethereum the Space Oddity of Cryptocurrencies

In the land of crypto-trading Ethereum has crossed a pivotal point today with the price rising to over $20 USD per Ether. Many people...

Ethereum’s Rise Follows Right Behind Bitcoin

Everyone within the cryptocurrency community has been following the significant jump in Bitcoin's price over the past week as it has reached roughly $700-...

Meet Wings The DAO Creation Platform

The Ethereum DAO Hub is one of the most talked about cryptocurrency projects within community circles across a broad range of social media platforms....

Jaxx Will Soon Integrate With Coinbase

The cryptocurrency wallet service Jaxx created by the Toronto-based Decentral has been introducing new features nearly every day. Just recently the company implemented the...

The Ethereum Answer to Digital Gold

Lately, cryptocurrency enthusiasts and investors have been discussing the latest installment to the Ethereum landscape the DAO Hub. However, there is another Ethereum-based DAO...

The Ethereum Landscape is Growing

The programmable Turing-complete blockchain Ethereum is on the tip of everyone's tongue these days. There has been quite a bit of discussion about the...