HomeAltcoin NewsCoinbase Opens Office in Dublin to Serve the European Market

Coinbase Opens Office in Dublin to Serve the European Market


The leading cryptocurrency exchange, Coinbase, has announced the opening of its new office in Dublin, the Irish capital city.

Firm Starts European Operations

Coinbase, the U.S.-based leading cryptocurrency exchange, has been working aggressively to grow its business. As part of its growth strategy, the company has taken multiple steps, including the launch of services for institutional customers (Coinbase Custody, Coinbase Prime, and Coinbase Institutional Coverage group), a partnership with Caspian to provide advanced trading tools, the launch of new “bundle” offerings, and plans for adding new coins.

Now to service customers in Europe, the firm has set up its office in Dublin, the capital of Ireland. The announcement states:

The number of Coinbase customers in the European Union (EU) grew faster than any other market in 2017. As we scale, we need to attract the best, most qualified and passionate talent to help us achieve our mission of creating an open financial system for the world.

As reported by Live Bitcoin News earlier this month, the firm is also looking to raise $500 million for further expansion and was in negotiations with investment firm Tiger Global that would value the firm at around $8 billion.


Dublin’s Growing Eco-System

The firm boiled down their choice to the city to Dublin after looking at various venues across Europe. The Irish capital emerged as the city of choice due to its local talent pool, support for technology innovation, and the growing blockchain community.

Dublin is home to many blockchain facilities and will be hosting a conference being organized by the International Organisation of Standards (ISO) next year.

“Dublin is a talent hotspot for companies like Coinbase as they scale and internationalize critical businesses operations,” said Martin Shanahan, CEO of IDA Ireland, the country’s inward investment agency. He added:

We look forward to welcoming Coinbase into the Irish economy, and helping them access our talented pool of young professionals from the technology and financial services sectors.


A Welcome Development for Ireland’s Fintech Sector

The Dublin office would complement the existing operations in London. As the firm plans to set up new functions, it will create new jobs in the city. It will also help build expertise in blockchain technology.

Expressing his pleasure at the development, Michael D’Arcy T.D, Minister for Financial Services and Insurance, said:

I am delighted that Coinbase is opening an office in Dublin. This decision highlights the competitive offering and attractiveness of Ireland for financial services.

Coinbase continues to take aggressive steps to grow and expand its wings across different geographies. That the firm, which is one of the world’s oldest, largest, and most trusted platforms in the cryptocurrency space, wants to maintain its position as a leading player is evident.

Do you think opening an office in Dublin will help Coinbase grow its business in Europe? Let us know in the comments below.

Images courtesy of Shutterstock.


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